Journals (team members/PhDs underlined)
Hartmann, A., Payeur-Poirier, J.-L., and Hopp, L. (2021):
Incorporating experimentally derived streamflow contributions into model parameterization to improve discharge prediction
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss. [preprint]
Abraham, T., Liu, Y., Tekleab, S., Hartmann, A. (2021):
Quantifying the Regional Water Balance of the Ethiopian Rift Valley Lake Basin Using an Uncertainty Estimation Framework
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss. [preprint]
Tunde, O., Gleeson, T., Hartmann, A. (2021):
Karst spring recession curve analysis: efficient, accurate methods for both fast and slow flow components
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss. [preprint]
Chang, Y., Mewes, B., Hartmann, A. (2021):
Using LSTM to monitor continuous discharge indirectly with electrical conductivity observations
Earth and Space Science Open Archive (preprint)
Chang, Y., Hartmann, A., Liu, L., Jiang, G. & Wu, J. (2020):
Identifying more realistic model structures by electrical conductivity observations of the karst spring.
OSF Preprints
Hartmann, A., Jasechko, S., Gleeson, T., Wada, Y., Andreo, B., Barberá, J.A., Brielmann, H., Bouchaou, L., Charlier, J.-B., Darling, W. G., Filippini, M., Garvelmann, J., Goldscheider, N., Kralik, M., Kunstmann, H., Ladouche, B., Lange, J., Lucianetti, G., Martín, J. F., Mudarra, M., Sanchez, D., Stumpp, C., Zagana, E., Wagener, T. (2020):
Danger of groundwater contamination widely underestimated because of shortcuts for aquifer recharge
EarthArXiv (preprint).
Wagener, T., Gleeson, T., Coxon, G., Hartmann, A., Howden, N., Pianosi, F., Rahman, M., Rosolem, R., Stein, L., Woods, R. (2020):
On doing large-scale hydrology with Lions: Realising the value of perceptual models and knowledge accumulation. EarthArXiv (preprint).
Gleeson, T., Wagener, T., Doell, P., Bierkens, M., Wada, Y., Lo, M.-H., Taylor, R., Rahman, S., Rosolem, R., Hill, M., West, C., Cuthbert, M., Oshinlaja, N, Zipper, S., Luijendijk, E., Bresciani, E., Hartmann, A., De Graaf, I., Famiglietti, J., Kollet, S., Maxwell, R., Condon, L., Scanlon, B., Kim, H., Ducharne, A. (2019):
Groundwater representation in continental to global hydrologic models: a call for open and holistic evaluation, conceptualization and classification. EarthArXiv (preprint).
Jeannin, P.-Y., Artigue, G., Butscher, C., Chang, Y., Charlier, J.-B., Duran, L., Gill, L., Hartmann, A., Johannet, A., Jourde, H., Kavousi, A., Liesch, T., Liu, Y., Lüthi, M., Malard, A., Mazzilli, N., Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Thiéry, D., Reimann, T., Schuler, P., Wöhling, T., Wunsch, A. (2021):
Karst modelling challenge 1: Results of hydrological modelling
Journal of Hydrology
Chang, Y., Hartmann, A., Liu, L., Jiang, G., Wu, J. (2021):
Identifying More Realistic Model Structures by Electrical Conductivity Observations of the Karst Spring
Water Resour Res
Wagener, T., Gleeson, T., Coxon, G., Hartmann, A., Howden, N., Pianosi, F., Rahman, M., Rosolem, R., Stein, L., Woods, R. (2021):
On doing hydrology with dragons: Realizing the value of perceptual models and knowledge accumulation
WIREs Water
Hartmann, A., Jasechko, S., Gleeson, T., Wada, Y., Andreo, B., Barberá, J.A., Brielmann, H., Bouchaou, L., Charlier, J.-B., Darling, W.G., Filippini, M., Garvelmann, J., Goldscheider, N., Kralik, M., Kunstmann, H., Ladouche, B., Lange, J., Lucianetti, G., Martín, J.F., Mudarra, M., Sánchez, D., Stumpp, C., Zagana, E., Wagener, T. (2021):
Risk of groundwater contamination widely underestimated because of fast flow into aquifers
Baker, B., Mariethoz, G., Comas‐Brum L., Hartmann, A., Frisia, S., Borsato, A., Treble, P.C., Asrat, A. (2021):
The properties of annually laminated stalagmites ‐ a global synthesis
Reviews of Geophysics
Baker, A., Scheller, M., Oriani, F., Mariéthoz, G., Hartmann, A., Wang, Z., Cuthbert, M. (2021)
Quantifying temporal variability and spatial heterogeneity in rainfall recharge thresholds in a montane karst environment
Journal of Hydrology
Liu, Y., Wagener, T., Hartmann, A. (2020)
Assessing streamflow sensitivity to precipitation variability in karst‐influenced catchments with unclosed water balances
Water Resour Res
Adinehvand, R., Raeisi, E., Hartmann, A. (2020)
An integrated hydrogeological approach to evaluate the leakage potential from a complex and fractured karst aquifer, example of Abolabbas Dam (Iran)
Environ Earth Sci, volume: 79
Hartmann, A., Liu, Y., Olarinoye, T., Berthelin, R., Marx, V. (2020)
Integrating field work and large-scale modeling to improve assessment of karst water resources
Hydrogeol J
(preprint here)
Liu, Y., Zarfl, C., Basu, N. B., Cirpka, O. A. (2020)
Modeling the Fate of Pharmaceuticals in a Fourth‐Order River Under Competing Assumptions of Transient Storage
Water Resour Res, volume: 56, issue: 3
Liu, Y., Wagener, T., Beck, H.E., Hartmann, A. (2020):
What is the hydrologically effective area of a catchment?
Environ Res Lett
(preprint here)
Dirnböck, T., Brielmann, H., Djukic, I., Geiger, S., Hartmann, A., Humer, F., Kobler, J., Kralik, M., Liu, Y., Mirtl, M., Pröll, G. (2020)
Long- and Short-Term Inorganic Nitrogen Runoff from a Karst Catchment in Austria
Forests, volume: 11, issue: 10, page: 1112
Baker, A., Berthelin, R., Cuthbert, M. O., Treble, P. C., Hartmann, A., the KSS Cave Studies Team (2020):
Rainfall recharge thresholds in a subtropical climate determined using a regional cave drip water monitoring network. Journal of Hydrology (in press).
Berthelin, R., Rinderer, M., Andreo, B., Baker, A., Kilian, D., Leonhardt, G., Lotz, A., Lichtenwoehrer, K., Mudarra, M, Padilla, I.Y., Pantoja Agreda, F. Rosolem,, R., Vale, A., Hartmann, A. (2020):
A soil moisture monitoring network to characterize karstic recharge and evapotranspiration at five representative sites across the globe. Geosci Instrum Meth, 9, 11–23.
Olarinoye, T., Gleeson, T., Marx, V., Seeger, S., Adinehvand, R., Allocca, V., Andreo B., Apaéstegui, J., Apolit, C., Arfib, B., Auler, A., Barberá, J.A., Bechtel , T., Binet, S., Bittner, D., Blatnik, M., Bolger, T., Brunet, P., Charlier, J.-B., Chen, Z., Chiogna, G., Coxon, G., de Vita, P., Doummar, J., Epting, J., Fournier, M., Goldscheider, N., Gunn, J., Guo, F., Guyot, J.L., Hidalgo Sanchez, L., Howden, N., Huggenberger, P., Hunt, B., Jeannin, P.-Y., Jiang, G., Jones, G., Jourde, H., Karmann, I., Koit, O., Kordilla, J., Labat, D., Ladouche, B., Serena Liso, I., Liu, Z., Massei, N., Mazzilli, N., Mudarra, M., Parise, M., Pu, J., Ravbar, N., Santo, A., Sauter, M., Sivelle, V., Worthington, S., Skoglund, R.Ø., Stevanovic, Z., Wood, C., Hartmann, A. (2020):
Global karst springs hydrograph dataset for research and management of the world’s fastest-flowing groundwater. Nature Scientific Data, volume: 7.
Mewes, B., Oppel, H., Marx, V., Hartmann, A. (2020):
Information based machine‐learning for tracer signature prediction in karstic environments. Water Resour Res, volume: 56, issue: 2.
Kingston, D.G., Massei, N., Dieppois, B., Hannah, D.M., Hartmann, A., Lavers, D.A., Vidal, J.‐P. (2020):
Moving beyond the catchment scale: value and opportunities in large‐scale hydrology to understand our changing world. Hydrol Process (accepted).
Fan, Y., Clark, M., Lawrence, D.M., Swenson, S., Band, L.E., Brantley, S.L., Brooks, P.D., Dietrich, W.E., Flores, A., Grant, G., Kirchner, J.W., Mackay, D.S., McDonnell, J.J., Milly, P.C.D., Sullivan, P.L., Tague, C., Ajami, H., Chaney, N., Hartmann, A., Hazenberg, P., McNamara, J., Pelletier, J., Perket, J., Rouholahnejad-Freund, E., Wagener, T., Zeng, X., Beighley, E., Buzan, J., Huang, M., Livneh, B., Mohanty, B.P., Nijssen, B., Safeeq, M., Shen, C., van Verseveld, W., Volk, J., Yamazaki, D. (2019): Hillslope Hydrology in Global Change Research and Earth System Modeling. Water Resour Res, volume: 55, pages: 1737 - 1772.
Chifflard, P., Blume, T., Maerker, K., Hopp, L., van Meerveld, I., Graeff, T., Gronz, O., Hartmann, A., Kohl, B., Martini, E., Reinhardt‐Imjela, C., Reiss, M., Rinderer, M., Achleitner, S. (2019): How can we model subsurface stormflow at the catchment scale if we cannot measure it? Hydrol Process, volume: 33, pages: 1378 - 1385. Invited Commentary
Mudarra, M., Hartmann, A., Andreo, B. (2019): Combining Experimental Methods and Modeling to Quantify the Complex Recharge Behavior of Karst Aquifers. Water Resour Res, volume: 55, pages: 1384 - 1404.
Baker, A., Hartmann, A., Duan, W., Hankin, S., Comas-Bru, L., Cuthbert, M.O., Treble, P.C., Banner, J., Genty, D., Baldini, L.M., Bartolomé, M., Moreno, A., Pérez-Mejías, C., Werner, M. (2019): Global analysis reveals climatic controls on the oxygen isotope composition of cave drip water. Nature Communications, volume: 10, 2984.
Sprenger, M., Stumpp, C., Weiler, M., Aeschbach, W., Allen, S.T., Benettin, P., Dubbert, M., Hartmann, A., Hrachowitz, M., Kirchner, J.W., McDonnell, J., Orlowski, N., Penna, D., Pfahl, S., Rinderer, M., Rodriguez, N., Schmidt, M., Werner, C. (2019): The Demographics of Water: A Review of Water Ages in the Critical Zone. Rev Geophys, volume: 57.
Sarrazin, F., Hartmann, A., Pianosi, F., Rosolem, R., and Wagener, T. (2018): V2Karst V1.1: a parsimonious large-scale integrated vegetation–recharge model to simulate the impact of climate and land cover change in karst regions, Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 4933-4964,
Chen, Z., Hartmann, A., Wagener, T., and Goldscheider, N. (2018): Dynamics of water fluxes and storages in an Alpine karst catchment under current and potential future climate conditions, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss.,
Xu, Z., Massei, N., Padilla, I., Hartmann, A., & Hu, B. (2018). Characterization , modeling , and remediation of karst in a changing environment. Environmental Earth Sciences, 0(0), 0. Editorial for Special Issue
Zipper, S. C., Dallemagne, T., Gleeson, T., Boerman, T. C., Hartmann, A. (2018): Groundwater Pumping Impacts on Real Stream Networks: Testing the Performance of Simple Management Tools. Water Resources Research doi:10.1029/2018WR022707.
Brenner, S., Coxon, G., Howden, N.J.K., Freer, J., Hartmann, A. (2018): Process-based modelling to evaluate simulated groundwater levels and frequencies in a Chalk catchment in south-western England. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 18, 445–461. doi:10.5194/nhess-18-445-2018.
Hartmann, A., Barberá, J.A., Andreo, B. (2017). On the value of water quality data and informative flow states in karst modelling. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 2017, 21, 5971–5985. doi:10.5194/hess-2017-230.
Adinehvand, R., Raeisi, E., Hartmann, A. (2017): A step-wise semi-distributed simulation approach to characterize a karst aquifer and to support dam construction in a data-scarce environment. J. Hydrol. 554, 470–481. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.08.056.
Hartmann, A. and Baker, A. (2017): Modelling karst vadose zone hydrology and its relevance for paleoclimate reconstruction, Earth-Science Rev., 1–54, doi: Invited Contribution
Hartmann, A., Gleeson, T., Wada, Y. & Wagener, T. (2017): Enhanced groundwater recharge rates and altered recharge sensitivity to climate variability through subsurface heterogeneity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1614941114. Nature Climate Change Research Highlight
Chen, Z., Hartmann, A. and Goldscheider, N. (2017): A new approach to evaluate spatiotemporal dynamics of controlling parameters in distributed environmental models, Environ. Model. Softw., 87, 1–16, doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.10.005.
Schwerdtfeger, J., Hartmann, A. and Weiler, M. (2016): A tracer-based simulation approach to quantify seasonal dynamics of surface-groundwater interactions in the Pantanal wetland, Hydrol. Process, doi:10.1002/hyp.10904.
Hartmann, A. (2016). Putting the cat in the box: why our models should consider subsurface heterogeneity at all scales. WIREs Water, doi: 10.1002/wat2.1146. Opinion Paper.
Berghuijs, W.R., Hartmann, A., Woods, R.A. (2016): Streamflow sensitivity to water storage changes across Europe. Geophys. Res. Lett., doi:10.1002/2016GL067927.
Hartmann, A., Kobler, J., Kralik, M., Dirnböck, T., Humer, F. and Weiler, M. (2016): Model aided quantification of dissolved carbon and nitrogen release after windthrow disturbance in an Austrian karst system, Biogeosciences, 13, 159-174, doi:10.5194/bg-13-159-2016.
Gunkel, A., Shadeed, S., Hartmann, A., Wagener, T. and Lange, J. (2015): Model signatures and aridity indices enhance the accuracy of water balance estimations in a data-scarce Eastern Mediterranean catchment, J. Hydrol. Reg. Stud., 4, 487–501, doi:10.1016/j.ejrh.2015.08.002.
Hartmann, A., Gleeson, T., Rosolem, R., Pianosi, F., Wada, Y. and Wagener, T. (2015): A large-scale simulation model to assess karstic groundwater recharge over Europe and the Mediterranean, Geosci. Model Dev., 8(6), 1729–1746, doi:10.5194/gmd-8-1729-2015, 2015. EGU Highlight Artcile
Hartmann, A,, Mudarra M., Andreo B., Marin A., Wagener T., and Lange J. (2014): Modeling spatio-temporal impacts of hydro-climatic extremes on a karst aquifer in Southern Spain. Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1002/2014WR015685. Front Cover of issue.
Hartmann, A., Goldscheider, N., Wagener, T., and Weiler, M. (2014): Karst water resources in a changing world: Review of hydrological modeling approaches, Reviews of Geophysics, DOI: 10.1002/2013rg000443. Front Cover of issue.
Rimmer A, A Hartmann (2014): Optimal hydrograph separation filter to evaluate transport routines of hydrological models. Journal of Hydrology. 514, 249-57.
Hartmann, A., Weiler, M., Wagener, T., Lange, J., Kralik, M., Humer, F., Mizyed, N., Rimmer, A., Barberá, J. A., Andreo, B., Butscher, C., and Huggenberger, P. (2013): Process-based karst modelling to relate hydrodynamic and hydrochemical characteristics to system properties, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17, 3305-3321, 10.5194/hess-17-3305-2013.
Hartmann, A., Wagener, T., Rimmer, A., Lange, J., Brielmann, H., and Weiler, M. (2013): Testing the realism of model structures to identify karst system processes using water quality and quantity signatures, Water Resources Research, 49, 3345–3358, 10.1002/wrcr.20229. AGU research spotlight.
Hartmann, A., Barberá, J. A., Lange, J., Andreo, B., and Weiler, M. (2013): Progress in the hydrologic simulation of time variant recharge areas of karst systems – exemplified at a karst spring in Southern Spain, Advances in Water Resources, 54, 149-160, 10.1016/j.advwatres.2013.01.010.
Hartmann, A., Lange, J., Weiler, M., Arbel, Y., and Greenbaum, N. (2012): A new approach to model the spatial and temporal variability of recharge to karst aquifers, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 2219-2231, 10.5194/hess-16-2219-2012.Jim Dooge award for best 2012 publication
Hartmann, A., Lange, J., Vivó Aguado, À., Mizyed, N., Smiatek, G., and Kunstmann, H. (2012): A multi-model approach for improved simulations of future water availability at a large Eastern Mediterranean karst spring, Journal of Hydrology, 468-469, 130-138, 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.08.024.
Hartmann, A., Kralik, M., Humer, F., Lange, J., and Weiler, M. (2012): Identification of a karst system’s intrinsic hydrodynamic parameters: upscaling from single springs to the whole aquifer, Environmental Earth Sciences, 65, 2377-2389, 10.1007/s12665-011-1033-9.
Samuels, R., Rimmer, A., Hartmann, A., Krichak, S., Alpert, P. (2010): Climate Change Impacts on Jordan River Flow: Downscaling Application from a Regional Climate Model. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 11(4): 860-879.DOI 10.1175/2010JHM1177.1
Hartmann, A., Payeur-Poirier, J.-L., and Hopp, L. (2021):
Incorporating experimentally derived streamflow contributions into model parameterization to improve discharge prediction
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss. [preprint]
Abraham, T., Liu, Y., Tekleab, S., Hartmann, A. (2021):
Quantifying the Regional Water Balance of the Ethiopian Rift Valley Lake Basin Using an Uncertainty Estimation Framework
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss. [preprint]
Tunde, O., Gleeson, T., Hartmann, A. (2021):
Karst spring recession curve analysis: efficient, accurate methods for both fast and slow flow components
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss. [preprint]
Chang, Y., Mewes, B., Hartmann, A. (2021):
Using LSTM to monitor continuous discharge indirectly with electrical conductivity observations
Earth and Space Science Open Archive (preprint)
Chang, Y., Hartmann, A., Liu, L., Jiang, G. & Wu, J. (2020):
Identifying more realistic model structures by electrical conductivity observations of the karst spring.
OSF Preprints
Hartmann, A., Jasechko, S., Gleeson, T., Wada, Y., Andreo, B., Barberá, J.A., Brielmann, H., Bouchaou, L., Charlier, J.-B., Darling, W. G., Filippini, M., Garvelmann, J., Goldscheider, N., Kralik, M., Kunstmann, H., Ladouche, B., Lange, J., Lucianetti, G., Martín, J. F., Mudarra, M., Sanchez, D., Stumpp, C., Zagana, E., Wagener, T. (2020):
Danger of groundwater contamination widely underestimated because of shortcuts for aquifer recharge
EarthArXiv (preprint).
Wagener, T., Gleeson, T., Coxon, G., Hartmann, A., Howden, N., Pianosi, F., Rahman, M., Rosolem, R., Stein, L., Woods, R. (2020):
On doing large-scale hydrology with Lions: Realising the value of perceptual models and knowledge accumulation. EarthArXiv (preprint).
Gleeson, T., Wagener, T., Doell, P., Bierkens, M., Wada, Y., Lo, M.-H., Taylor, R., Rahman, S., Rosolem, R., Hill, M., West, C., Cuthbert, M., Oshinlaja, N, Zipper, S., Luijendijk, E., Bresciani, E., Hartmann, A., De Graaf, I., Famiglietti, J., Kollet, S., Maxwell, R., Condon, L., Scanlon, B., Kim, H., Ducharne, A. (2019):
Groundwater representation in continental to global hydrologic models: a call for open and holistic evaluation, conceptualization and classification. EarthArXiv (preprint).
Jeannin, P.-Y., Artigue, G., Butscher, C., Chang, Y., Charlier, J.-B., Duran, L., Gill, L., Hartmann, A., Johannet, A., Jourde, H., Kavousi, A., Liesch, T., Liu, Y., Lüthi, M., Malard, A., Mazzilli, N., Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Thiéry, D., Reimann, T., Schuler, P., Wöhling, T., Wunsch, A. (2021):
Karst modelling challenge 1: Results of hydrological modelling
Journal of Hydrology
Chang, Y., Hartmann, A., Liu, L., Jiang, G., Wu, J. (2021):
Identifying More Realistic Model Structures by Electrical Conductivity Observations of the Karst Spring
Water Resour Res
Wagener, T., Gleeson, T., Coxon, G., Hartmann, A., Howden, N., Pianosi, F., Rahman, M., Rosolem, R., Stein, L., Woods, R. (2021):
On doing hydrology with dragons: Realizing the value of perceptual models and knowledge accumulation
WIREs Water
Hartmann, A., Jasechko, S., Gleeson, T., Wada, Y., Andreo, B., Barberá, J.A., Brielmann, H., Bouchaou, L., Charlier, J.-B., Darling, W.G., Filippini, M., Garvelmann, J., Goldscheider, N., Kralik, M., Kunstmann, H., Ladouche, B., Lange, J., Lucianetti, G., Martín, J.F., Mudarra, M., Sánchez, D., Stumpp, C., Zagana, E., Wagener, T. (2021):
Risk of groundwater contamination widely underestimated because of fast flow into aquifers
Baker, B., Mariethoz, G., Comas‐Brum L., Hartmann, A., Frisia, S., Borsato, A., Treble, P.C., Asrat, A. (2021):
The properties of annually laminated stalagmites ‐ a global synthesis
Reviews of Geophysics
Baker, A., Scheller, M., Oriani, F., Mariéthoz, G., Hartmann, A., Wang, Z., Cuthbert, M. (2021)
Quantifying temporal variability and spatial heterogeneity in rainfall recharge thresholds in a montane karst environment
Journal of Hydrology
Liu, Y., Wagener, T., Hartmann, A. (2020)
Assessing streamflow sensitivity to precipitation variability in karst‐influenced catchments with unclosed water balances
Water Resour Res
Adinehvand, R., Raeisi, E., Hartmann, A. (2020)
An integrated hydrogeological approach to evaluate the leakage potential from a complex and fractured karst aquifer, example of Abolabbas Dam (Iran)
Environ Earth Sci, volume: 79
Hartmann, A., Liu, Y., Olarinoye, T., Berthelin, R., Marx, V. (2020)
Integrating field work and large-scale modeling to improve assessment of karst water resources
Hydrogeol J
(preprint here)
Liu, Y., Zarfl, C., Basu, N. B., Cirpka, O. A. (2020)
Modeling the Fate of Pharmaceuticals in a Fourth‐Order River Under Competing Assumptions of Transient Storage
Water Resour Res, volume: 56, issue: 3
Liu, Y., Wagener, T., Beck, H.E., Hartmann, A. (2020):
What is the hydrologically effective area of a catchment?
Environ Res Lett
(preprint here)
Dirnböck, T., Brielmann, H., Djukic, I., Geiger, S., Hartmann, A., Humer, F., Kobler, J., Kralik, M., Liu, Y., Mirtl, M., Pröll, G. (2020)
Long- and Short-Term Inorganic Nitrogen Runoff from a Karst Catchment in Austria
Forests, volume: 11, issue: 10, page: 1112
Baker, A., Berthelin, R., Cuthbert, M. O., Treble, P. C., Hartmann, A., the KSS Cave Studies Team (2020):
Rainfall recharge thresholds in a subtropical climate determined using a regional cave drip water monitoring network. Journal of Hydrology (in press).
Berthelin, R., Rinderer, M., Andreo, B., Baker, A., Kilian, D., Leonhardt, G., Lotz, A., Lichtenwoehrer, K., Mudarra, M, Padilla, I.Y., Pantoja Agreda, F. Rosolem,, R., Vale, A., Hartmann, A. (2020):
A soil moisture monitoring network to characterize karstic recharge and evapotranspiration at five representative sites across the globe. Geosci Instrum Meth, 9, 11–23.
Olarinoye, T., Gleeson, T., Marx, V., Seeger, S., Adinehvand, R., Allocca, V., Andreo B., Apaéstegui, J., Apolit, C., Arfib, B., Auler, A., Barberá, J.A., Bechtel , T., Binet, S., Bittner, D., Blatnik, M., Bolger, T., Brunet, P., Charlier, J.-B., Chen, Z., Chiogna, G., Coxon, G., de Vita, P., Doummar, J., Epting, J., Fournier, M., Goldscheider, N., Gunn, J., Guo, F., Guyot, J.L., Hidalgo Sanchez, L., Howden, N., Huggenberger, P., Hunt, B., Jeannin, P.-Y., Jiang, G., Jones, G., Jourde, H., Karmann, I., Koit, O., Kordilla, J., Labat, D., Ladouche, B., Serena Liso, I., Liu, Z., Massei, N., Mazzilli, N., Mudarra, M., Parise, M., Pu, J., Ravbar, N., Santo, A., Sauter, M., Sivelle, V., Worthington, S., Skoglund, R.Ø., Stevanovic, Z., Wood, C., Hartmann, A. (2020):
Global karst springs hydrograph dataset for research and management of the world’s fastest-flowing groundwater. Nature Scientific Data, volume: 7.
Mewes, B., Oppel, H., Marx, V., Hartmann, A. (2020):
Information based machine‐learning for tracer signature prediction in karstic environments. Water Resour Res, volume: 56, issue: 2.
Kingston, D.G., Massei, N., Dieppois, B., Hannah, D.M., Hartmann, A., Lavers, D.A., Vidal, J.‐P. (2020):
Moving beyond the catchment scale: value and opportunities in large‐scale hydrology to understand our changing world. Hydrol Process (accepted).
Fan, Y., Clark, M., Lawrence, D.M., Swenson, S., Band, L.E., Brantley, S.L., Brooks, P.D., Dietrich, W.E., Flores, A., Grant, G., Kirchner, J.W., Mackay, D.S., McDonnell, J.J., Milly, P.C.D., Sullivan, P.L., Tague, C., Ajami, H., Chaney, N., Hartmann, A., Hazenberg, P., McNamara, J., Pelletier, J., Perket, J., Rouholahnejad-Freund, E., Wagener, T., Zeng, X., Beighley, E., Buzan, J., Huang, M., Livneh, B., Mohanty, B.P., Nijssen, B., Safeeq, M., Shen, C., van Verseveld, W., Volk, J., Yamazaki, D. (2019): Hillslope Hydrology in Global Change Research and Earth System Modeling. Water Resour Res, volume: 55, pages: 1737 - 1772.
Chifflard, P., Blume, T., Maerker, K., Hopp, L., van Meerveld, I., Graeff, T., Gronz, O., Hartmann, A., Kohl, B., Martini, E., Reinhardt‐Imjela, C., Reiss, M., Rinderer, M., Achleitner, S. (2019): How can we model subsurface stormflow at the catchment scale if we cannot measure it? Hydrol Process, volume: 33, pages: 1378 - 1385. Invited Commentary
Mudarra, M., Hartmann, A., Andreo, B. (2019): Combining Experimental Methods and Modeling to Quantify the Complex Recharge Behavior of Karst Aquifers. Water Resour Res, volume: 55, pages: 1384 - 1404.
Baker, A., Hartmann, A., Duan, W., Hankin, S., Comas-Bru, L., Cuthbert, M.O., Treble, P.C., Banner, J., Genty, D., Baldini, L.M., Bartolomé, M., Moreno, A., Pérez-Mejías, C., Werner, M. (2019): Global analysis reveals climatic controls on the oxygen isotope composition of cave drip water. Nature Communications, volume: 10, 2984.
Sprenger, M., Stumpp, C., Weiler, M., Aeschbach, W., Allen, S.T., Benettin, P., Dubbert, M., Hartmann, A., Hrachowitz, M., Kirchner, J.W., McDonnell, J., Orlowski, N., Penna, D., Pfahl, S., Rinderer, M., Rodriguez, N., Schmidt, M., Werner, C. (2019): The Demographics of Water: A Review of Water Ages in the Critical Zone. Rev Geophys, volume: 57.
Sarrazin, F., Hartmann, A., Pianosi, F., Rosolem, R., and Wagener, T. (2018): V2Karst V1.1: a parsimonious large-scale integrated vegetation–recharge model to simulate the impact of climate and land cover change in karst regions, Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 4933-4964,
Chen, Z., Hartmann, A., Wagener, T., and Goldscheider, N. (2018): Dynamics of water fluxes and storages in an Alpine karst catchment under current and potential future climate conditions, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss.,
Xu, Z., Massei, N., Padilla, I., Hartmann, A., & Hu, B. (2018). Characterization , modeling , and remediation of karst in a changing environment. Environmental Earth Sciences, 0(0), 0. Editorial for Special Issue
Zipper, S. C., Dallemagne, T., Gleeson, T., Boerman, T. C., Hartmann, A. (2018): Groundwater Pumping Impacts on Real Stream Networks: Testing the Performance of Simple Management Tools. Water Resources Research doi:10.1029/2018WR022707.
Brenner, S., Coxon, G., Howden, N.J.K., Freer, J., Hartmann, A. (2018): Process-based modelling to evaluate simulated groundwater levels and frequencies in a Chalk catchment in south-western England. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 18, 445–461. doi:10.5194/nhess-18-445-2018.
Hartmann, A., Barberá, J.A., Andreo, B. (2017). On the value of water quality data and informative flow states in karst modelling. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 2017, 21, 5971–5985. doi:10.5194/hess-2017-230.
Adinehvand, R., Raeisi, E., Hartmann, A. (2017): A step-wise semi-distributed simulation approach to characterize a karst aquifer and to support dam construction in a data-scarce environment. J. Hydrol. 554, 470–481. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.08.056.
Hartmann, A. and Baker, A. (2017): Modelling karst vadose zone hydrology and its relevance for paleoclimate reconstruction, Earth-Science Rev., 1–54, doi: Invited Contribution
Hartmann, A., Gleeson, T., Wada, Y. & Wagener, T. (2017): Enhanced groundwater recharge rates and altered recharge sensitivity to climate variability through subsurface heterogeneity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1614941114. Nature Climate Change Research Highlight
Chen, Z., Hartmann, A. and Goldscheider, N. (2017): A new approach to evaluate spatiotemporal dynamics of controlling parameters in distributed environmental models, Environ. Model. Softw., 87, 1–16, doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.10.005.
Schwerdtfeger, J., Hartmann, A. and Weiler, M. (2016): A tracer-based simulation approach to quantify seasonal dynamics of surface-groundwater interactions in the Pantanal wetland, Hydrol. Process, doi:10.1002/hyp.10904.
Hartmann, A. (2016). Putting the cat in the box: why our models should consider subsurface heterogeneity at all scales. WIREs Water, doi: 10.1002/wat2.1146. Opinion Paper.
Berghuijs, W.R., Hartmann, A., Woods, R.A. (2016): Streamflow sensitivity to water storage changes across Europe. Geophys. Res. Lett., doi:10.1002/2016GL067927.
Hartmann, A., Kobler, J., Kralik, M., Dirnböck, T., Humer, F. and Weiler, M. (2016): Model aided quantification of dissolved carbon and nitrogen release after windthrow disturbance in an Austrian karst system, Biogeosciences, 13, 159-174, doi:10.5194/bg-13-159-2016.
Gunkel, A., Shadeed, S., Hartmann, A., Wagener, T. and Lange, J. (2015): Model signatures and aridity indices enhance the accuracy of water balance estimations in a data-scarce Eastern Mediterranean catchment, J. Hydrol. Reg. Stud., 4, 487–501, doi:10.1016/j.ejrh.2015.08.002.
Hartmann, A., Gleeson, T., Rosolem, R., Pianosi, F., Wada, Y. and Wagener, T. (2015): A large-scale simulation model to assess karstic groundwater recharge over Europe and the Mediterranean, Geosci. Model Dev., 8(6), 1729–1746, doi:10.5194/gmd-8-1729-2015, 2015. EGU Highlight Artcile
Hartmann, A,, Mudarra M., Andreo B., Marin A., Wagener T., and Lange J. (2014): Modeling spatio-temporal impacts of hydro-climatic extremes on a karst aquifer in Southern Spain. Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1002/2014WR015685. Front Cover of issue.
Hartmann, A., Goldscheider, N., Wagener, T., and Weiler, M. (2014): Karst water resources in a changing world: Review of hydrological modeling approaches, Reviews of Geophysics, DOI: 10.1002/2013rg000443. Front Cover of issue.
Rimmer A, A Hartmann (2014): Optimal hydrograph separation filter to evaluate transport routines of hydrological models. Journal of Hydrology. 514, 249-57.
Hartmann, A., Weiler, M., Wagener, T., Lange, J., Kralik, M., Humer, F., Mizyed, N., Rimmer, A., Barberá, J. A., Andreo, B., Butscher, C., and Huggenberger, P. (2013): Process-based karst modelling to relate hydrodynamic and hydrochemical characteristics to system properties, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17, 3305-3321, 10.5194/hess-17-3305-2013.
Hartmann, A., Wagener, T., Rimmer, A., Lange, J., Brielmann, H., and Weiler, M. (2013): Testing the realism of model structures to identify karst system processes using water quality and quantity signatures, Water Resources Research, 49, 3345–3358, 10.1002/wrcr.20229. AGU research spotlight.
Hartmann, A., Barberá, J. A., Lange, J., Andreo, B., and Weiler, M. (2013): Progress in the hydrologic simulation of time variant recharge areas of karst systems – exemplified at a karst spring in Southern Spain, Advances in Water Resources, 54, 149-160, 10.1016/j.advwatres.2013.01.010.
Hartmann, A., Lange, J., Weiler, M., Arbel, Y., and Greenbaum, N. (2012): A new approach to model the spatial and temporal variability of recharge to karst aquifers, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 2219-2231, 10.5194/hess-16-2219-2012.Jim Dooge award for best 2012 publication
Hartmann, A., Lange, J., Vivó Aguado, À., Mizyed, N., Smiatek, G., and Kunstmann, H. (2012): A multi-model approach for improved simulations of future water availability at a large Eastern Mediterranean karst spring, Journal of Hydrology, 468-469, 130-138, 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.08.024.
Hartmann, A., Kralik, M., Humer, F., Lange, J., and Weiler, M. (2012): Identification of a karst system’s intrinsic hydrodynamic parameters: upscaling from single springs to the whole aquifer, Environmental Earth Sciences, 65, 2377-2389, 10.1007/s12665-011-1033-9.
Samuels, R., Rimmer, A., Hartmann, A., Krichak, S., Alpert, P. (2010): Climate Change Impacts on Jordan River Flow: Downscaling Application from a Regional Climate Model. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 11(4): 860-879.DOI 10.1175/2010JHM1177.1